Saturday, September 26, 2015

Strange & Easy Pasta

So being fed up with pasta and tomato paste from store which are NOT healthy usually, I experimented with just tomatoes. And it didn’t turn out too bad! 
6 to 10 Italian Sausages
4 tomatoes
One box of pasta of your choice (I used shells)
1 to 2 tsp Montreal steak seasoning (or your choice of seasonings mix)
Step 1.
Boil the pasta until it’s as soft as you desire
Step 2.
Peal and fry the sausages and when cooked, cut them in smaller circles (I cut with scissors)
Step 3.
With a blender, mash those tomatoes
Step 4.
Add mashed tomatoes, seasoning, and sausages together in a pan and let them get to know each other on medium for about 30 minutes (depending how juicy you like it)
Step 5.
Add pasta when you feel the mix is ready. 
All done! Ready to serve. Feel free to add absolutely whatever you want. It might be spicy depending on type of sausage you have.